Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saturday Morning Ritual

Alley Biker

Sweet Baby

Scary Baby

Monday, March 19, 2007


Tessa started clapping on demand last week. She is finding all the garbage cans and toilet brushes. She wants to eat big people food and she loves to smile. She is a very playful little sweetie pie who, did I mention, can pull up to standing and tries to play peek a boo. Liam is hooked on "brown cookies" after nap. He has started to say some Chinese words and is asking all kinds of questions. We can hardly get through a book with him at bedtime without him asking "What's the man doing, Daddy?" He also asks things like, "Mommy, where's my blanket? What did my blanket do? Daddy. Did you go to work? What did you do? Did you see Uncle Situ?" We told him Daddy went to a party for work and he asked, "Did Daddy eat cake?" Quite the smart little guy! We think so any way. He even desires to use the toilet!! Big boy. He is wonderful and so good! We couldn't be happier with our favorite kids!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Views of and from the Lupu Bridge

Kent and I climbed to the top of the Lupu Bridge that spans Shanghai's Huangpu River today. Not a particularly amazing feat, but something I've wanted to do since I first came here in 2002.