Saturday, October 27, 2007

This Old House

Our first home. The site of many warm memories. We loved the house but now that we live in Shanghai, we are happy to no longer be in bondage to it. It was sold to a young couple on October 26. We wish them happiness and at least a portion of the peace and joy we experienced on South Birmingham Avenue.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday morning: Liam under the weather, Tessa climbing in and out of the book box

A Night On the Bund

The Bund is the name of the area of Shanghai near the Huangpu River. There is European architecture on one side of the river and modern buildings on the other side. We went to M on the Bund for dinner soon after Darby's parents, aunt and uncle arrived from the States. They took a month long adventure by boat from Vancouver, to Alaska, Japan, Russia, South Korea and finally to China. Grandma and Grandpa will stay for six to nine months to enjoy some time in China with Liam and Tessa (Darby and Valerie too).

F1 Race--Kimi Wins in Shanghai

Zebco and WC Bradley Board Members come to Shanghai for meetings and a little excitement at the race track.

Clean-up Day at Oceanview

The family has been over to the factory more often lately. We helped at the start of the five day October holiday to clean up the factory for the Board of Director's Meeting. We are also beginning an English course for the staff and factory workers each Tuesday. There are 28 students thus far.

Oceanview Management

Recently Darby's office was renovated and moved to the second floor. The factory is gearing up for expansion. Oceanview's staff and output will double in the next few years.

Liam's Superhero Birthday--Three on September 13

Sticker Fun