Monday, April 23, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
After I read him a book ("Miss Suzy") and as I was tucking him in to bed, Liam was singing "Jesus Loves Me" to me. I felt both proud and unbelievably humbled when he got to the "little ones to Him belong..." part, because he continued, "they are weak but daddy is strong."
Three PG-13 Postings
Grosser Than Gross (Episode 1):
Darby, Valerie, Liam, and Tessa went for a walk to Starbucks on Saturday morning. As we approached Starbucks, we noticed four little boys five or six years old playing around a shallow pool in front of the building. They were splashing each other, laughing, and generally having a very nice time. Some of the boys were blowing up little balloons, some were filling them up with water and throwing them at each other. I was mildy disturbed when I noticed one little boy filling a balloon up with water, and then spitting the water at the other boys - as the water in the pool was probably not terribly clean - but boys will be boys. As we came nearer, I noticed one of the boys fishing a balloon out of the pool with a stick. As he retrieved the object I realized that balloons that the little boys were having such a delightful time with were...discarded used condoms.
Darby, Valerie, Liam, and Tessa went for a walk to Starbucks on Saturday morning. As we approached Starbucks, we noticed four little boys five or six years old playing around a shallow pool in front of the building. They were splashing each other, laughing, and generally having a very nice time. Some of the boys were blowing up little balloons, some were filling them up with water and throwing them at each other. I was mildy disturbed when I noticed one little boy filling a balloon up with water, and then spitting the water at the other boys - as the water in the pool was probably not terribly clean - but boys will be boys. As we came nearer, I noticed one of the boys fishing a balloon out of the pool with a stick. As he retrieved the object I realized that balloons that the little boys were having such a delightful time with were...discarded used condoms.
Bathroom Fun
Grosser Than Gross (Episode 2):
Darby came home from work early this afternoon. Valerie was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Usually Liam greets daddy with a robust "Daddy, what did you do? Did you go to work?" But this afternoon was different, all was quiet in the house, so daddy began searching for Liam. He found Liam leaning over the toilet apparently scrutinizing something very interesting. When he heard daddy enter, Liam turned around with a bulbous blue mucus suction device in hand and excitedly announced "I have the snot sucker!" Then Liam let out a hearty laugh as he sprayed himself in the face with the toilet water.
Darby came home from work early this afternoon. Valerie was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Usually Liam greets daddy with a robust "Daddy, what did you do? Did you go to work?" But this afternoon was different, all was quiet in the house, so daddy began searching for Liam. He found Liam leaning over the toilet apparently scrutinizing something very interesting. When he heard daddy enter, Liam turned around with a bulbous blue mucus suction device in hand and excitedly announced "I have the snot sucker!" Then Liam let out a hearty laugh as he sprayed himself in the face with the toilet water.
Shanghai Public Park Rules - Very Thorough and Explicit
I would like to take this opportunity to commend the local authorities for anticipating a broad range of potentially embarassing social faux pas that could be committed in Shanghai parks and inventing rules in order that people be made aware that their actions may in fact be in violation of social mores.